In conversation with Cornell Verdeja-Woodson

In conversation with Cornell Verdeja-Woodson

It’s been a year since I signed on to be one of the advisors for DiVerity, a company that’s looking to ensure the DEI marketplace is also equitable. I wholeheartedly believe in the vision, leadership, community and platform that co-founders Minsun Byun...
5 ways coaching is game changing for women of color

5 ways coaching is game changing for women of color

Coaching is a powerful tool to help any leader accelerate their career, and it’s game changing in a different way for women of color who are often The Only.  First, being The Only means you are succeeding in a system that was not designed for you. It is game changing...
Queer Superpowers: a workshop for Pride 2022

Queer Superpowers: a workshop for Pride 2022

I’ve developed a new strengths-based workshop for Pride that uses superheros as a metaphor for exploring your unique superpowers. I’ve designed this with LGBTQ+, queer, and trans employee resource groups in mind. The idea for this came out of the coaching...
Lessons learned from my first year in business

Lessons learned from my first year in business

A bit over a year ago I started my consulting business. I had a good first year and am grateful for all the support people gave me and for all the things I learned. In open source we often say “documentation is a love letter to the future”. So, I’m...
diverse stock photo collections

diverse stock photo collections

Most stock image collections only show a narrow slice of humanity and many of the photos don’t feel real or authentic. Before launching this website, I staged my own photo shoot to create a photo with the same colour skin as my hands. The photo that I could...